Wednesday, June 27, 2018

what is surface web,dark web and deep net?

What is Surface Web?

Let me tell you one thing, if you are reading this blog then you are exploring the surface part of the web. The websites, webpages and information that you find using web search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. only portray that you are exploring just the surface of the web. Search Engines use the crawling process to index the webpages. Thus, the general public access only surface web. Now, let’s go little deeper.

Did you know?

4% of the content is only available for the general public in the entire ocean of the web.

What is Deep Web?

The content that you cannot find using the search engine is termed as deep web. For example- If you search for something specific in the search engine it will give you many links and you will only find the content that you are looking for after clicking those links. Every website has its own search box. Thus the search engine’s search is limited to navigate the website. It won’t give you the links that are deep inside the website even if your search is specific. You have to go through different websites to find the particular link.
In simple terms, there are places in web that cannot be accessed by search engines but can be accessed if you have an address.

Did you know?

 96% of the content is available in the dark web and deep web


What is Dark Web?

The data that are purposefully unrevealed and is not attainable through any standard web browsers is termed as dark web. Dark Web is mostly used for illegal and nefarious activities. The content inside Dark Web is usually found using the Tor network.

Did you know?

Have you heard of the Silk Road? It is an online black market, infamous for selling and purchasing illegal drugs. In October 2013, FBI shutdown the website and arrested the owner but still in November 2013 Silk Road 2.0 came online. It was shutdown again by the FBI in 2014.

What is Darknet?

A different network that is encrypted and is created upon the existing internet is Darknet. It can only be accessed by using some specific configuration of the tools and software.

Darknet browsers:

Some of the popular darknet browsers are Freenet, Tor, GNUnet, I2P, OneSwarm, RetroShare, etc.
Two types- i. Friend-to-friend networks (used for sharing files using peer-to-peer connection) ii. Privacy networks (such as Tor). Darknet is mainly used for doing illegal activities- computer crime, Purchase or sell illegal goods and services, news leaks, mass surveillance, pirated movies, 

Difference between Surface Web, Deep Web, Dark Web and Darknet

Surface Web

Deep Web

Dark Web



Content that search engine can find.

Content that search engine cannot find.

Content that are hidden intentionally.

Known as

Visible Web, Indexed Web, Indexable Web, Lightnet

Invisible Web, Hidden Web, Deep Net

Underbelly of Internet








Legal + Illegal



Information Found




Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.

Tor Browser

Freenet, Tor, GNUnet, I2P, OneSwarm, RetroShare

Note: Dark Web and Darknet are not the same.

Did you know?

Tor Browser is not totally secure and has vulnerabilities through which attackers may be able to find who is using a Tor Browser. Maximizing the Tor Browser can reveal the window and screen size.

dark web


The ‘Dark Web' is notorious for websites that host downright outrageous content which may just push the boundaries of any human being. We did a detailed analysis on the Deep Web and we've gone a bit further to shed light on the underbelly of the dark web. Users browse all sorts of nefarious content behind the curtain of anonymity and it has sprung up a few stories that made their way to the surface web. We picked out 7 deep web stories that left us shocked and terrified and we feel it might just send a chills down your spine as well.

1. They See Us (From Reddit User fake_fakington)

Terrifying Dark Web Stories that will give you sleepless nights
“This was back before Google. Web pages were, for the most part, still very basic HTML with Javascript. Hardly anyone used CSS. Only discussion boards and some banking sites had anything approaching mature front-end/back-end combinations. Etc. Early 'Net. Real 'deep web' story, not just one about illicit activities online.
"I was browsing random blogs, Geocities sites, and the like, just going from link to link. Eventually I came upon an odd page - it appeared to be random thoughts from different people, but for the time, it was very well-designed. The messages seemed to be cryptic in nature, like several people trying to pass secret notes. I started through the source, and hidden in the comments of a javascript were various IP addresses. 
"I gathered all of the IPs in a text file and began enumerating. Some were routers with banner messages I could telnet to - almost all at universities ('Warning! This is a secure system at University of Bla Bla....'). The default Cisco credentials from back in the day worked on most of them, but I didn't poke around. A few of the IP's were web servers with little to nothing on them, mostly Apache on Linux or some BSD, at least one IIS server I can recall." 
"I finally came upon a web server with a huge directory of HTML files and TIFF images, with a few smaller subdirectories containing the same. nslookup returned no reverse records for the IP. A VisualRoute traced it as far as Colorado. The HTML files appeared to be records a psychologist or similar mental health professional would keep. The images were of faxes, apparently of both military and medical nature."
"As I browsed from a subdirectory back to the parent, at the top was a new HTML file named something like '1-.HELLO-THERE.html.' The time stamp was from right that minute. I opened it, and in plain text was the message 'we see you.' No quotes, all lowercase. About 15 seconds later the server dropped.”

2. The Human Experiment

3 Lost Souls & An Unknown Dead Body Take Us On An Unusual Road Trip In The 'Karwaan' Trailer1.4

Maradona Memes To Help You

This site is considered as one of the most disturbing sites on the dark web. They experiment with living people like injecting bleach into women, starvation, sterilisation, radiation exposure, and several other tortures. The Human Experiment is a warehouse of scariest human experiments.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web human experiment
They possibly do all the experiments on the homeless people who are more painful and arrogant. This site has a tagline “Not all humans are equal, for some of them, were born superior to others”. They torture the homeless people and live streamed to the user

3.Animal Abuse

To the top next, it stands next to it. Here, you can get content like animal abuse, and bestiality.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web animal abuse

4.Explicit Content

It is one of the most disturbing sites on the dark web. About 80% of videos on the dark web is filled with this explicit content. Several horrible video contents are available on the dark deep web sites.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web child pornography

5.Summoning Demons

Go ahead and summon a demon and get party tonight. Jokes apart. These kind of websites are explaining how to summon a demon and bringing back the old and new demons to the world. This site is so creepy and scary.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web summoning demons

6.Cannibal Forum

Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other people. An individual who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal. You can find cyber cannibalistic discussing on how they feel when eating a man or woman’s internal organ or flesh?.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web cannibal forum
Then it teaches you how to cook women and which part tastes good? They explain everything in a live stream. Some meet outside and feel their flesh in the dinner. Yes, its insane and horrible.

7.People in Coffins

People in coffins publishes pictures of people in coffins, morgue, funeral home and in the graveyard before the casket gets closed involving necrophilia.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web people in coffins


Websites sell statues in which the souls are trapped.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web spirits

9.Last Words

You can hear the last words from people who are going to die. The recorded voices and videos from people are published in these sites and distributed to listen to the last words. This includes the voices of prisoners before execution.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web last word

10.Human Products

In the dark web, several products are sold made of human beings such as food, belts wallets and clothing. This site stated a tagline “Do not wear Fur”.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web human products

11.Fetus Pictures

A Large volume of a fetus and dead babies are distributed on this website. This is scary as well.

12.Silk Road & Black Market Reloaded

On silk road, you can find all types of drugs available on the market and these websites sell poisons and guns too.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web silk road marketplace

13.Hitman Service

The dark web is rife with scams, but nothing quite compares to the case of fake hitman site Besa Mafia. Besa Mafia, which is still online, advertises “hitman” services, offering to put customers in touch with hired killers. If you believe the rumours, the dark web is full of nefarious websites that sell everything from drugs to weapons to government leaks. However, one of the most persistent legends of the underground internet is the existence of legitimate hitmen-for-hire services.

14.Human Leather

A leather product made of human skin is available for sale on this website. You can buy leather made of people up here.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web human leather

15.Creepy Games and Links

Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web creepy games
Feel the experience of scary and horrible in this creepy games where you can explore the boundaries of gaming in the dark web. Dark web games can take you through a mental asylum which is more interactive and fun to play.
Most Disturbing Sites on the Dark Web creepy links